In the Bible he ended up in the belly of the whale prophet Jonah. In our performance ends at the same place two pirates - Žvanda and Planda. But even the whales and pirates are the result of playfulness and imagination 2 actors - clowns, and all of them have, however, author devised.
Everything starts with the fact that you two clowns produce a paper hat that would actually quite well could be a ship, but oops - a pirate ship, which sail to the already mentioned Žvanda and Planda. They eventually end up in the whale's belly, but fortunately "goes around the whales" a star fallen from heaven, which - as is known - can fulfill wishes ... And from her, totally discreet initiative with two "ugly" pirates "in passing" rectify "unawares" bleak whale bowels will build on their own cozy little room.